Smart Landscaping Ideas To Keep Your Home Cool

Smart Landscaping Ideas To Keep Your Home Cool

It can get uncomfortably hot in the hot days of summer. During this season you’ll find malls and coffee shops brimming with people in an attempt to stave off the heat. While we all need the sun, too much of it can cause discomfort, irritability, and unproductivity, which is why homeowners and business owners prefer to keep their air conditioning systems running to keep them cool and comfortable in the summer. Unfortunately, this can take a toll on your power bill and not only that; excessive energy consumption isn’t also good for our planet. So what do you do? Do you know that you don’t have to run your air conditioning system 24/7 to keep you cool? There are other ways to cool your home and offices without the need for air conditioning, one of which is smart landscaping. Yes, you read that right. Landscaping, when done right, will not only add to your home’s curb appeal but it will also lower your electricity bill by keeping your home cool. Here’s how to do it.

Landscaping In The East Side of Your Home

A little rearranging can make a whole lot of difference when it comes to improving your home’s temperature. Place your patios on the east side of your house so that it will be shielded from the afternoon sun. This would also make a perfect location for your outdoor kitchen, click here to check some of the best kitchen outdoor ideas. Otherwise, you and your guests will not be able to enjoy your afternoon parties because of the heat.

Smart Landscaping Ideas To Keep Your Home Cool

Landscaping The South and West Parts of Your Home

The hottest time of the day is in the afternoon. Whichever direction your house is facing, it helps to plant line trees or add a pergola blanketed in vines as these encourage the cool breeze in. These trees act as a natural shade to keep your home cool. Aside from cooling your home, it also gives it that oomph factor.

Incorporate A Water Feature In Your Garden

Whether it’s a fountain or a small pond or if you want to go all out you can add a swimming pool or a Jacuzzi to your garden to douse he heat. If you have an existing pond or a pool you can do a rock landscaping design and allow water to trickle through it. The sound of trickling water can aid in your relaxation.

Carefully Choose The Colors of Your Ground Cover

Another thing to carefully consider is the colors of your ground cover. There are certain shades that deflect light and there are colors that absorb it. If you want to achieve a cool lawn you should choose light-colored stones when creating your walkway rather than dark-colored stones.

Achieving a cool home is not as expensive as it seems. By planning its design carefully and by applying these landscaping tips you can actually create a cooler home without spending a fortune on electricity costs. It also helps to add a few indoor plants like aloe vera, areca palm tree, ficus tree and fern to your home to help keep the air cool.